NECA Group

News & Views

6th February 2014

Scoping Study for Long Service Corporation

The NSW Government has announced that it has commissioned a scoping study of the State’s two portable long service schemes for the construction and contract cleaning industries. The Study will focus on proposals to improve the governance and administration of the schemes.

In citing the schemes that operate in Victoria and Tasmania, the NSW Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations, Mike Baird, noted that the schemes “were transferred to industry more than 15 years ago and have the flexibility to be more aligned to the needs of their members.” The minister also said “The schemes that are run independently of government have the flexibility to be more responsive to industry and provide members with greater control over where their funds are invested. For example, Tasmania’s TasBuild invests funds in infrastructure projects to create more construction jobs for its sector.”

The scope of the study will not include the scheme’s funding mechanism or the benefits to be paid to employees. These will not change.

The consultant conducting the study on behalf of the Government has invited interested parties including NECA to make submissions by 12 February 2014. Please contact Gordon Jervis at if you are interested in making a submission or require more information.