NECA Group

News & Views

4th June 2014

"Pink Batts" Royal Commission update

The Royal Commission completed hearings last week following the appearance of ex-PM Rudd and ex- Minister Garrett to the stand.

NECA responded to a summons with two written statements, nearly 100 pieces of evidence and agreeing to a two-hour recorded video with Counsel Assisting. Our statement illustrated the lengths we, and the other industry bodies we work with, had gone to to highlight the risks of implementing this initiative. After the launch of the Home Insulation Program NECA warned Minister Garrett of the substantial safety problems and in fact were the first to do so. [CTB|Read more]

NECA worked closely with Counsel Assisting during the hearings providing concise and detailed information avoiding the need to have views extracted by being called to appear.

There will now be three to six months before the Royal Commission findings will be released. NECA hopes that the findings will ensure that no government program is ever again rolled out with the haste and tragic consequences associated with the Home Insulation Program.

NECA will do its part to help implement any recommendations that are related to electrical safety initiatives. We will keep you posted.