NECA Group

News & Views

21st March 2019

GPS Tracking and Privacy Laws

NECA Legal recently received a query from a member who says that one of his employees is complaining that he is breaching the privacy laws by having GPS tracking on his vehicle which is linked to an app on his phone. Click here to read a case where an Australian man uses snack bags as Faraday cage to block tracking by the employer.

Below is a 10 Q&A summary of GPS tracking:

  1. Is workplace GPS tracking permitted in Australia? Yes with conditions
  2. Do employers need to explain when the tracking will start? Yes
  3. Should employees be given a chance to give their feedback on how GPS tracking is used? Yes
  4. Do employers need to explain how the tracking will be carried out? Yes
  5. If an employer tracks a vehicle by GPS, what must they do? Display a sign in the vehicle that says it is being tracked.
  6. Can employers track new employees by GPS on their first day? Only if employees are given written notice beforehand.
  7. Do employers need to explain whether the tracking will be continuous or intermittent? Yes
  8. Do employers need to explain what kind of tracking is being done? Yes


If you require information or further clarification, please contact NECA IR on 1300 361 099 or email