Women in the electrical industry

Alternative Pathway Project (APP): Attracting more women into the electrical industry

This is a Federal Government-funded project – with eight strands, all progressing well. One particular area that we would like to highlight is the strand to attract more women into the industry.

We are talking to women connected with our GTOs and RTOs, and public colleges, to get their views as to how we could make this a more viable career option for women – particularly school-leavers.

With input so far from NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA, we are starting to see some trends:

  • We need to get into schools much earlier than we currently do, to ensure young women know that an electrical apprenticeship is a viable career option for them.


  • We also need to persuade mothers and teachers that doing a trade can be equally as rewarding as going to university for many students.


  • Women in particular benefit from pre-app courses as their entry point – especially as many are mature students, so need to be sure it’s the right thing for them.


  • Most people favour supporting women’s industry groups and actively using more women in leadership and mentoring-type roles.


  • Gender-based discrimination is experienced by most women in our industry, and we have to find ways to combat this behaviour.


  • But most women in our industry thrive on being “the odd man out” and accept that is part of the job, and they prove themselves by striving to be “even better than the boys”.

We are still at the preliminary stage in terms of making recommendations. But it is very encouraging to hear how determined these women are to succeed.

If you would like to contribute to this initiative we just need you to answer five simple questions:

  1. What made you choose this career path and who influenced your decision – at home and/or at school?
  2. Whether you have encountered any barriers, or blocks, which seemed gender-based?
  3. What advice you would give those young women potentially following in your footsteps by choosing this career path?
  4. What suggestions do you have for the Government, and NECA, in terms of making this career path a more attractive option for [young?] women leaving school?
  5. What do you hope to do when you complete your apprenticeship: what area of the industry do you find most appealing?

You can either email your answers to us on marketing@neca.asn.au


The NECA Electrical Innovative Delivery and Pathways Project is supported by the Federal Government’s Australian Apprenticeship Program - Alternative Delivery Pilots. The Government Program is establishing a series of industry-led pilots to test and open up alternative training approaches on a broader scale providing greater skills development, choice and industry acceptance. It is often referred to as the “APP”. 



Wendy Ramjee - Executive Assistant to CEO
T: (02)  9439 8523
Andrew Jefferies - Policy and Projects Manager
E: andrew.jefferies@neca.asn.au
T: (02)  9439 8523
Marketing and Communications
E: marketing@neca.asn.au
T: (02)  9439 8523