News & Views

2nd June 2015

Keeping your electricity supply safe, reliable and affordable

Ausgrid initial pricing proposal 2015/2016
We understand electricity prices are an important issue for all our customers, from families and community organisations to small business owners and major industrial sites. Ausgrid has now submitted its initial network pricing proposal for 2015/16 to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for approval.

The submission outlines our intended network charges for transmission and distribution services, metering, public lighting, and ancillary services such as the design and inspection of new electrical connections. It also sets out our tariffs for residential and small business customers and the network charges for medium to large-scale businesses. 

For the financial year ahead, Ausgrid is proposing new eligibility criteria for Cost Reflective Network Price sites. We are also amending our Time of Use and default block tariffs for residential and small business customers. These changes will allow us to meet the AERs revenue cap for 2014-19 and deliver a fair outcome for customers as we transition our tariffs towards the cost-reflective pricing objective set down by the Australian Energy Market Commission. 

As you may be aware, Ausgrid is seeking a legal review of some parts of the AERs final determination for 2014-19. The pricing proposal is an interim proposal because these charges could vary during the course of the year, if this challenge is successful. 

Click here to download a copy of the proposal. The full submission can be found at

We hope to hear more from you about pricing issues over coming months as we develop a Tariff Structure Statement to submit to the AER in November. Please send your feedback to us at

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