News & Views

INDUSTRY UPDATE: Improvements to unpaid parental leave entitlements

The Federal Government has introduced legislation to improve unpaid parental leave entitlements for families dealing with the trauma of stillbirths, infant deaths and premature births.

Currently, parents who experience a... MORE

Building for Recovery: NECA commends ACT jobs and economic recovery plan

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) welcomed the employment plan unveiled by the ACT government, saying it would “build for recovery”.

NECA ACT said the State’s Jobs and Economic... MORE

NECA calls on government to ditch guaranteed super rise

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) today urged the government to reconsider the rise in employer contributions to guaranteed superannuation as it is unsustainable given current market... MORE

NECA supports RBA calls for states to supercharge infrastructure spending

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) welcomed the Reserve Bank of Australia’s request for states to commit another $40 billion to major projects over the next two years, after NECA called for... MORE

NECA welcomes State and Federal agreement to harmonise licences

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) today praised the State and Federal Treasurers for agreeing at National Cabinet to harmonise their laws so qualifications are recognised nationwide with the... MORE


NECA Pre-Budget Submission calls for range of measures to support business and rebuild the economy

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) today published its Pre-Budget Submission, which calls for the Federal Government to introduce a range of measures that would support electrical contractors... MORE

NECA and Master Plumbers Tasmania call for wide-ranging reforms and stimulus in Pre-Budget Submission to Tasmanian Government

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) and Master Plumbers Tasmania submitted a joint Pre-Budget Submission to the Tasmanian Government outlining a series of critical reforms which will support... MORE

NECA welcomes Federal and Tasmanian Government commitment to electrical training in Tassie

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) today welcomed the Federal Government’s $7 million investment into TasTAFE’s new Trades and Water Centre of Excellence, which will expand the State’s capacity for... MORE



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